Mrs Mkpak U. Rose

DATE OF BIRTH : 24th March, 1975

STATE OF ORIGIN : Cross River State



Provision of free land space and seedlings has helped improve my productivity, Elizabeth Cooperative farming has made life easy for me and my children, expanding this initiative will help more women like me out of extreme poverty

I have been a widow with four children over ten years. Since my late husband died, there has not been any financial assistance from family members and my family never cares about my children, thanks to Elizabeth Foundation through her empowerment and scholarship programme, my children and I have benefitted from the scheme. I was given a piece of land to cultivate cassava, maize, groundnut and the likes. The intervention programme have taken my kids back to school and my life since I met Elizabeth Foundation has greatly been impacted positively.

Mrs Mariam Ohioma Yusuf

DATE OF BIRTH : 22nd June 1959



My husband passed away in 2006 after brief illness, since then I and my children have been feeding from hand to mouth. Through the intervention of Elizabeth Foundation I was able to secure a job at solid rock internatonal school lugbe where I worked for five years as a cleaner.

In 2018, the foundation empowered me with grinding machine which have been a source of livelihood for me and my family. I am so thankful to Elizabeth Foundation for reducing the suffering of my family.

Mrs Aledare Elizabeth

DATE OF BIRTH : 6th June, 1965



I lost my husband on the 14th of December 2007, leaving me with four children to take care of. Since the demise of my husband, life has been so unbearable for me and my kids, my children had to drop out of school to hawk vegetables so we could earn a living. Elizabeth Foundation was introduced to me by my neighbour, since then they have been taking care of my children's school fees. I was enrolled into the foundation's tailoring training institute for over a year afterwhich i was empowered with an industrial sewing machine. Today my tailoring business is thriving and my children are back to school.